Reading is amazing. As a Montessori School in Riverside, California, we recognize reading skills as one of the key steps in achieving a productive learning environment. Our Montessori curriculum inspires an independent level of nurturing a child’s learning attitude, which includes a great love for reading.
We’re glad to let you know that even at home, you can inspire them to read – and enjoy every moment of it, too!
Here are tips you can make use of, dear moms and dads.
- Start reading to your child as early as possible.
If you’ve experienced this yourself, then you can attest how reading has opened your mind to a new world of excitement and adventure, creating a thirst for learning, imagination, and yes, more reading. Eventually, those children stories can transition into learning books and activities that focus on Childhood Development in Riverside, California.
- Point to letters as often as possible.
Whether you’re reading a book together or are reading a food packaging, let these simple moments be times of discovery. This habit can be even more exciting when your child finally learns how to read on their own. You can make a game of letter hunting to let them see that there’s fun with letters, words, and yes, reading.
- Expose them to books – the more the merrier.
When your child sees a lot of books in their growing up years, they will see these books as friends and doorway to another world. You will not see it happening yet, but their interest and eventual love for reading are slowly building up with constant exposure to books at home.
- Give them books that are in line with their personal interests.
For instance, if your child likes animals, give them a wildlife book to expose them with other animals and further learning opportunity. As your partners in providing Early Childhood Education in Riverside, California, we encourage you to allow your children to explore the topics they’re interested in, so their reading interests also expand.
- Make it a regular habit to visit libraries and bookshops.
Encourage them also to select their own books. Give them the book they selected. When your child sees that there are still many books out there, and that you are supportive of this learning venture, their eyes can be opened to great possibilities that only books can offer.
- Create a reward system or reading project at home.
Once they’re done reading one book, they can tell you what it is about and what they learned from it. This way, their cognitive skills are also harnessed.
There are more worlds to explore and more adventures to meet. When your child is deep into the love of reading, such as what we expose our learners at Montessori Children’s House, you are giving them the gift of a lifetime.
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